Problem – Issue with Arduino board power supply

///Problem – Issue with Arduino board power supply

Problem – Issue with Arduino board power supply


After getting the wireless modules working at close proximity it was time to move them away to test range. At the moment prototyping is being completed using two of these:


The Arduino Duemilanove is a prototype board which provides the microcontroller everything it needs to be both run and programmed. This makes prototyping with these boards very easy.

As can be seen in the photo above the board can accept both a USB input and a DC jack. Both of these ports will power the device but the DC jack should be used where a higher power draw is required or when there is no computer available.

The specified input volatges for the board’s DC jack are:

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V

The two boards were set up with a simple test program to reply to each-other on the press of a keyboard key. This was working successfully.

The Problem

Using a 12v AC adapter which had already been used on the initially built prototype (Board A), the second of the prototypes (Board B) was moved  some distance away in order to test range. It was plugged in and the power light indicated it was on. Upon initially failing to communicate from (Board A) the distance was shortened. Despite moving to within a meter the two modules were still not communicating.

Eventually after some testing it appeared that the voltage regulation circuitry had failed and provided the full 12v of the power supply across the 5v rail. This had in turn damaged both the micro controller and the wireless radio module.

The development board tested and still working OK after the microcontroller was swapped out with Board A.

To Do

  • Get a new Atmel ATmega328 -> DONE: A new prototype board kit was ordered and soldered which fits directly into breadboards. (
  • Solder another wireless module onto a breakout board for use when prototyping -> DONE: Another module has be soldered using the same method stated previously ( )

Problem Status: SOLVED

By |2016-11-05T11:17:47+00:00November 20th, 2010|Lightive Project|0 Comments

About the Author:

A PhD in Electronic Engineering. A love for photography ( An interest in tinkering, electronics and design. (

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