Prototyping with the Alpha-TRX433S Transceiver

///Prototyping with the Alpha-TRX433S Transceiver

Prototyping with the Alpha-TRX433S Transceiver


In order to get the alpha modules fitting onto a bread board they had to be mounted to some kind of intermediary board which presented their pins at a standard pitch.

Using some solid wire and a strip board (proto board)  I created a mount for them.

Layout on Protoboard:

Channel cut in strip board between pins on either side:

Alpha Module Channel cut in strip board

Alpha Module Channel cut

Alpha Module Soldered in :

Alpha Module Soldered

Alpha Module Soldered

Alpha Module Soldered

And the complete product with header pins attached:

Alpha Module Soldered in with header pins

Alpha Module Soldered in with header pins

This is now ready to be plugged straight into a bread board.

Total made: 2

By |2016-11-05T11:17:47+00:00November 4th, 2010|Lightive Project|5 Comments

About the Author:

A PhD in Electronic Engineering. A love for photography ( An interest in tinkering, electronics and design. (


  1. […]     -> DONE: Another module has be soldered using the same method stated previously ( […]

  2. Japping August 14, 2012 at 8:20 pm - Reply

    Hello !
    I have read your homepage about Arduino and ALPHA Transceiver usage. I am also working on connefting thes two parts electrically. You pictures of “Module Solderes” diagrams is not shown on your homepage, and it would be of werry helpfull to see how you have connected the two parts. Could you e-mail the drawings or upload them to you homepage ?

    Thanks for an informative homepage, it have helped me a lot.

    Best regards Jeppe

  3. Jorge April 22, 2013 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    Good afternoon!

    I’m trying a calefactor wireless controller with Arduino UNO and a SmartALPHA RF 433MHz transceiver and I’ve some problems.

    I cannot do work the example of VirtualWire client/server!!
    How I use the commans RTS and CTS??
    I’m getting crazy!

    Could you send me the photos to my email to see what I’m doing wrong?
    Maybe the code too?
    It’s not possible see the photos in the web.

    If it’s not possible, don’t care.

    Thank you so much!
    Best regards!

    I wait for your answer!

    • louis October 23, 2013 at 11:22 pm - Reply

      Dear Jorge,

      So sorry about the photos. I have restored them to the site.

      I hope you have solved your problem !

      Kind Regards,


  4. […] prototyping -> DONE: Another module has be soldered using the same method stated previously ( […]

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